Corset Vocab
Wearing a corset doesn't make one an expert in corsets but you don't need to be an expert to sound like one! Use the following basic vocabulary when discussing your new wardrobe and you'll sound like an expert in no time!
Bones/ Boning: The bones or boning of a corset is one of its most distinguishing features. The bones give the corset its structure, running vertically all the way around your corset. They exist under a reinforced layer of fabric called the bone casing and “live” in the space between fabrics, called a bone channel. In the 1500's corset boning was typically made of very thin whale bone/teeth. Nowadays they are made of a range of (non-whale) materials including plastic. At Timeless Trends we always use high quality steel.
Binding: Like on many garments, the binding is on the top and bottom of your corset and can either match the corset's main color or can stand out from the main body as a design choice. Like on a quilt it goes over all the layers to bind them together.
Lacing: Lacing refers to the piece of ribbon, string, etc. that closes your corset in the back. It is both decorative and functional and is imperative in giving you your desired shape. Some people may notice a lacing gap between their corset's edges and some may not. This comes down to preference and fit.
Modesty Panel: A modesty panel is a matching extra piece of fabric that is meant to cover the skin that may be visible through a lacing gap. A modesty panel is not necessary and may or may not be included in your particular model. Bonus knowledge: It is also a term in furniture design and refers to the part of a table or desk that covers the leg/ankles from view.
Busk: These are the metal closures on the front of your corset. On most corsets they are a metal loop and steel ball closure. Some of our designs use a decorative but functional clasp-like closure instead. Interestingly, the busk originally was a one-piece section of metal that did not open or close and its only purpose was keeping the croon of the corset upright. Modern corsets favor a two-piece busk to make dressing and undressing easier. It is still necessary to loosen the lacing before undoing the busk to avoid damaging your corset.
Lining/ Interfacing: Inside layers of the corset that are unseen while being worn but still very necessary. The interfacing is functional and gives the corset added structure and shape. The lining is mostly functional as well and is the layer of fabric on the inside of your corset that goes against your skin or under garment. It's important this fabric is comfy.
Now go forth with your corset and your knowledge and answer those curious people's questions. And don't forget to tell them were you got it! *Winky Face*