Time To Get Ren-Faire Ready
I wish that the excitement running through me was visible because I am so freaking excited to prepare for my first EVER Renaissance Festival!! Sherwood Forest Faire, it's almost time!
Having only ever attended one convention, RTX Austin, I knew that it was a must that I familiarize myself with this gathering and those who participate. Where do I start? What should I wear when I attend? Am I going to be accepted?
I learned that the first step is to determine which social class you wish to be a part. While it is clear that I am not royalty and I could dress in garb of the wealthy, I chose an alternative. I will be part of the middle-class. This class, I've learned is the best suggestion for a newbie to the fantasy world of RenFaire.
Now that I chose my social class, the fun begins....it's time for me to start constructing my outfit! Middle class ladies would typically be found wearing hues of green, black, violet, pink and any other color easily extracted from berries and/or plants. This garb would typically be made of cotton, twill, linen or wool. There are standard parts of each social classes outfits. Middle class attire should consist of: chemise, bodice, skirt, over-skirt, boots, snood (headgear to hold hair in a cloth or yarn bag...think hairnet...and yes, I had to google what a snood was), cloak/cape and either short leather boots, moccasins or slippers of the non bedtime type. Lastly, ALL ladies should have some kind of head piece; no one wants to be considered "loose".
I have many options to consider and I want to include each necessary part of this wardrobe in my costume. That being said, I am certain that I will be wearing our Green Renaissance Novice Corset as the statement piece of my outfit. This beautiful corset will be the perfect start to my perfect outfit! The color combinations of the greens, berries and yellows in the fabric of this corset are the perfect building block to my outfit. Additionally, the novice corset will allow for a more comfortable and breathable time while at the Faire.
I can't wait to finish and wear my costume. I have just a few more weeks before Sherwood Forest. I'd love to see any past costumes that you may have worn and I would love any advice from those of you who are diehards! My ultimate goal is to earn the honor of a genuine "g'day!"
If you are still working on your Ren Fest outfit and are in need of your statement corset piece, hurry to our website and use the discount code FEB15 for 15% off of your order! I look forward to seeing all of you at your Ren Fest so be sure to tag us, #ttcorsets, when sharing your creations and libations! Look for me if you are at Sherwood...I'll be the middle class lady in a KILLER corset! :)
-Shannon Green